Monday, April 21, 2008

Eco-Friendly Organization Holds Weekend-Long Festival April 18th to the 19th with Bicycle-Powered Stage

Operation Adaptation Will Plant One Tree For Each Ticket Sold

Operation Adaptation is a weekend-long festival that will run from April 18th until the 19th at the Concord House in Sullivan, Wisconsin. This eco-friendly organization is assembled to promote alternative, healthier lifestyle choices.

The festival will have 2 indoor stages, and also a bicycle-powered stage that will be entirely powered on fans on bicycles. All vendors are environmentally friendly, and corn-based utensils and dishes will be used. More "green" activities are yet to be announced, so stay tuned to their website!

Sponsor Trees for the Future will plant a tree for each ticket sold, so bring friends and help make this world a little greener.

There will be onsite parking and camping, but the $5 fee will be waived if you donate non-perishable food items. All donated items will go towards the Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee.

If you do pay the $5 fee, all proceeds go towards Jamming for Jamaica, which raises money for less privileged citizens of Porus, Jamaica. Their donations are directed towards building supplies and music education.

Performers include:

-Fat Maw Rooney
-Chinese Fingertrap
-Pert Near Sandstone
-Stealin' Strings
-Bryan Cherry

And 7 more artists!

Here is a preview of Fat Maw Rooney from their performance at FatFest 2007

For more information or directions, visit Operation Adaptation's myspace

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Abortion Propaganda for Teens?

While doing some research about abortion, all I did was type in "abortion" on Google. This website was the sponsored site that immediately came up. I didn't mention "teens" or anything else, but this is what came up. I never thought Google was the one to sponsor propaganda.

On the main page about the topic of "abortion" here are the links to choose from:

-Girls who aborted tell their own stories about why they chose abortion, what the abortion was like, and how they feel now.

-What is abortion? If you choose, learn about the different types of abortion procedures.

-Abortion docs speak about their reasons for performing abortions and what its like to have an abortion practice.

-Abortion complications - Girls - outlines the immediate and long-term complications specific to teen abortions.

-Abortion survivors tell their personal stories of how they were aborted and lived to talk about it!

LIVED to talk about it?! That is so ridiculous, it just makes me physically ill. When I stumbled across this, I got really upset. Teenage girls who may be pregnant probably go looking on the internet for help, and THIS is what comes up as a SPONSORED ad?!?

This site is in no way objective or informational. On the page which is supposed to explain the different types of abortion, it is very vague until you click on the title. (It took me awhile to figure this out) Another window pops up, and there is a huge scary text saying "CAUTION: PICTURES MAY BE DISTURBING AND UPSETTING".

Being a pregnant teen and trying to learn of the options of your unwanted pregnancy is terrifying enough. But to receive altered, upsetting images of cut-up babies and one-sided information isn't going to help you make a responsible decision.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


It's that time of the year again.
Time for Monopoly at McDonalds.
A great way to market their multi-million dollar franchise even more. As if they really need it.
I'm not going to lie; I'm an avid fan of monopoly at McDonalds. Free fries, free hash browns, free sodas, and chances to win money? Who wouldn't be?
Obese people. McDonalds should be their biggest fear. It's a very love-hate relationship, even for those on diets. That supersized number one with a diet coke calms nerves and eases ill feelings. Their biggest enemy and their best friend is that super sized number one with extra Mac sauce. When the monopoly epidemic strikes, their usual 2 trips to McDonald's a week morphs into 4 or 5.
The other problem is the tendency to want more and more.
Let's say you buy a meal and win a small fry. To redeem your coupon, you have to go back to McDonalds. So you go back, but you want something else to eat and or drink with your fries. This leads to buying more food, but why not up size your meal and receive even MORE chances to win? Not supersizing your meal would be just plain silly.

The saddest thing of all is there are no game pieces on the salads.